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Scrap Metal Recycling



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The Surprising Range of Recyclable Aluminum Products

The Surprising Range of Recyclable Aluminum Products

One of the materials that is most often used in our modern society is aluminum. The need for aluminum products is only growing, and therefore there’s a significant need to acquire more aluminum. Since aluminum is just a metal, it’s non-renewable, so there’s a constant need for scrap metal recycling. Aluminum is far more efficient to recycle than to mine because it saves up to 90% of the energy that is used to mine new aluminum and still keeps its original properties. Therefore, recycled aluminum is used in lots of areas, and in this article, we’re going to explore some of them.


A lot of people know that most cans you see in your ordinary stores are made out of aluminum. They’re widely needed for a variety of things, and since it only takes a few months to recycle the old aluminum to make brand new aluminum cans and send them to distributors, this is a widely used area for old aluminum. Annually, about 370 billion drink cans are produced worldwide. So, think about how critical it is for aluminum to be recycled to meet this demand. Of course, the uses of aluminum don’t end here.

Cars and Airplanes

When it comes to various types of transportation, aluminum is once again crucial. Especially different car and airplane parts use aluminum because, even though aluminum is quite malleable, it is able to endure a great deal of force. Since this is one of the most important safety features in both cars and airplanes, it is widely preferred. However, it’s not only used for safety parts; most electrical cables, air conditioning parts, and certain engine parts all utilize aluminum.


Construction is another area aluminum has a significant role in. Like we mentioned before, aluminum is a very strong metal. Therefore, it’s used from smaller houses to great skyscrapers. In construction, aluminum can be used for building frames, roofs, railings, gutters, doors, stairs, ventilation, and many other places as well.

Baseball Bats

This comes off as a surprise to many people, but baseball bats can also be made from recycled aluminum. This is one of the greatest examples that show how much power aluminum holds in our daily lives. Did you know that a lot of players especially prefer aluminum bats because they’re stronger and lighter? 

Renewably Energy

Renewable energy is undeniably the future, and aluminum is also used frequently by this sector. Thanks to its malleable and lightweight but resilient features, aluminum is frequently utilized in solar planes and wind turbines. 


Another important sector that uses recycled aluminum is furniture. Aluminum can be used to make almost any type of furniture you want, from furnishings such as tables to chairs, radiators, shutters, picture frames, and lamps.

Reliable Scrap Metal Services in Your Area

Metal collectors can benefit greatly from scrapping aluminum since it is one of the most sought-after and widely recycled metals. Remember, both you and the environment benefit greatly from the metal recycling process. At M&M Recycling, we understand that recycling is the way of the future. If you're trying to find a trustworthy scrap metal company, all you have to do is call us and learn more today.